You may have heard some commonly used "answers" before like - "look at Nature or can there Not be a Creator". God indeed has dazzled us with the wonders of His Creation and the Universe. These answers are correct but they may not completely satisfy you.
Perhaps the more precise question you need to be answered is "Which God?" When you search through the internet you will probably find hundreds if not thousands of religions. Even "Christianity" can be bewildering, as there seems to be so many different "forms".
Jesus didn't come to confuse us, He came to save us from our confusion!
- Firstly, you need to recognize that if you do not know what the truth is, then you are not able to confirm what the truth is.
- Finding the Truth. That is, finding God, is not an intellectual exercise, nor can it be based on how you "Feel" about what you have been presented.
- God and Jesus Christ are alive. They can reveal to you, and prove to you that he is real and personal for you, so that you will "KNOW" him in a way that you never thought possible.
- God has chosen to communicate through Jesus, His Son and through His written manual, the Bible.
- Jesus has not changed the way He "makes contact" with us.
““Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.””