Chinese Service
The Chinese service caters mainly to the Chinese-speaking brethren & visitors and is essentially a sub-meeting of the main English service. All activities (choruses, testimonies, communion & prayers) except the Chinese talk, are jointly conducted with the main English service. This is a deliberate arrangement to foster interaction and one common identity in Christ amongst the English and Chinese speaking brethren.
“but GROW in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.”
crèche & Sunday School
The children would proceed to their crèche and Sunday School classes respectively after the Communion and Prayer Line.
Classes are for: crèche: 4 and 6 years of age, 7 to 11 will proceed to the Sunday School.
Lessons cover
To honor the Lord.
To learn the ways of God through Bible Stories.
To learn about God’s love for all of us and that they too can draw very near to God especially when they have receive the Holy Spirit.
To learn to accept authority – parents, teachers and ultimately God.
To interact with each other in ways that reflect God’s love.